Sunday(22. Oct) | Monday(23. Oct) | Tuseday(24. Oct) | Wednesday(25. Oct) |
10.24 (TUS)
Work of Sharing: 상선약수
It stresses the characteristics of the water - it can take various forms, gives life to things, keeps flowing and eventually reaches the sea. These are what the commons and our work of sharing are about.
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:10
Opening Remarks
10:10 - 10:40(30')
10:40 - 10:50(10')
10:50 - 12:10(80')
- Open Business
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
Main Auditorium
- Sharing City
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
Small Auditorium
- Open Access
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
Seminar room
12:10 - 13:20(70')
13:20 - 14:50(90')
- Open Glam
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
What's Open Glam?
- Open Art
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
What's Open Art?
- Forum-Recycling Shared Creative Works
Hosted from Ministry of Culture.Sports and Tourism and Bangladesh Copyright Commission
14:50 - 15:20(30')
15:20 - 16:40(80')
- Open Hardware
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
What's Open Hardware?
- Open Education
What points should be ensured in order to success in open buiness?
Open Education?
16:40 - 17:00(20')
17:00 - 17:40(40')